Registered with number 07730151 thirteen years ago, Arcon Construction Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company. The business present registration address is 3365 Century Way, Thorpe Park Leeds. The firm's SIC code is 41201 which stands for Construction of commercial buildings. Arcon Construction Ltd reported its account information for the period that ended on Wednesday 31st August 2022. The business most recent annual confirmation statement was released on Saturday 5th August 2023.
At the moment, we have a solitary director in the company: Arthur R. (since 21st December 2017). Since 5th August 2011 Elizabeth R., had performed the duties for this specific firm till the resignation on 1st March 2023. What is more another director, specifically Robert M. quit one year ago.
Arthur R. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.