Based in Anatomy 164 Manchester Road, Manchester M16 0DZ Anatomy Mcr Limited is classified as a Private Limited Company issued a 09665296 registration number. This firm was launched ten years ago. This enterprise's declared SIC number is 86220 - Specialists medical practice activities. Wed, 31st Aug 2022 is the last time the accounts were filed.
When it comes to this particular company, the full scope of director's responsibilities have so far been done by Sharon M. who was designated to this position in 2019. Since 2015-07-01 Jennie L., had been supervising this company up until the resignation on 2019-09-10. As a follow-up a different director, including Michael B. resigned in 2019.
Sharon M. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.