Ampfield Traffic Consultants started its operations in 2011 as a Private Limited Company with reg. no. 07759584. The firm has been active for thirteen years and the present status is active. This firm's head office is situated in Eastleigh at 7 Bournemouth Road. You could also locate the firm by the postal code, SO53 3DA. This business's SIC code is 70229, that means Management consultancy activities other than financial management. Ampfield Traffic Consultants Limited reported its account information for the financial year up to Friday 30th September 2022. Its most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on Friday 1st September 2023.
8 transactions have been registered in 2015 with a sum total of £1,669. In 2014 there were less transactions (exactly 7) that added up to £4,794. The Council conducted 22 transactions in 2013, this added up to £15,955. All the transactions taken into account were valued at 500 pounds or more. In total, the company conducted 47 transactions and issued invoices for £31,877. Cooperation with the New Forest District Council council covered the following areas: Hired And Contracted.
Within this particular limited company, the majority of director's obligations up till now have been done by Peter C. and Ernest S.. When it comes to these two managers, Peter C. has supervised limited company for the longest time, having become a vital addition to officers' team on 2011.