06215378 is a registration number used by Alix Walton Training & Consultancy Limited. It was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2007/04/17. It has been operating on the market for seventeen years. This enterprise can be contacted at Suite 16 Beaufort Court Admirals Way South Quay Docklands in London. The headquarters' area code assigned to this address is E14 9XL. This enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 70229 which stands for Management consultancy activities other than financial management. The latest filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to Sun, 30th Apr 2023 and the latest annual confirmation statement was released on Fri, 31st Mar 2023.
There seems to be one managing director now leading the firm, specifically Alix W. who has been utilizing the director's responsibilities for seventeen years. Furthermore, the director's assignments are constantly assisted with by a secretary - Joanne M., who joined this firm in 2007.