This particular company is located in Birmingham under the following Company Registration No.: 03584045. This company was established in 1998. The office of this company is situated at Skn Business Centre 1 Guildford Street. The zip code for this address is B19 2HN. The company now known as Alam International Restaurant Limited was known under the name Gemstar Trading until 2005-09-28 at which point the name was changed. This company's SIC code is 56101 meaning Licensed restaurants. Alam International Restaurant Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial year up to September 30, 2022. Its latest confirmation statement was released on July 1, 2023.
Regarding this particular business, all of director's tasks have so far been met by Jahur U. who was assigned to lead the company in 1998. The following business had been guided by Jane A. up until 1998-07-13.