Longcross Nominee 1 Limited can be found at London at St Helen's. Anyone can find the company by referencing its postal code - EC3P 3DQ. Longcross Nominee 1's founding dates back to 2020. This firm is registered under the number 13074287 and company's last known state is active. This company is recognized under the name of Longcross Nominee 1 Limited. It should be noted that this company also was registered as Aghoco 1997 until the company name was replaced three years ago. The enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 99999 which means Dormant Company. Longcross Nominee 1 Ltd released its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022-12-31. The company's most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2022-12-08.
Taking into consideration the following company's magnitude, it became unavoidable to appoint other company leaders: Michael B. and Timothy R. who have been supporting each other since January 2023 to promote the success of the company. Another limited company has been appointed as one of the secretaries of this company: Aztec Financial Services (jersey) Limited.