Located in Kendal Autobody Limited, Kendal LA9 6NZ Acorn Developments (kendal) Limited is a Private Limited Company with 03851089 registration number. It's been started 25 years ago. The business name of the firm was changed in 2000 to Acorn Developments (kendal) Limited. This firm former business name was Acorn Development (kendal). This business's SIC code is 41100 which stands for Development of building projects. The business most recent annual accounts describe the period up to 2022/09/30 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023/09/30.
According to the latest data, we can name a solitary managing director in the company: Christopher S. (since 1999-10-11). Since 1999-10-11 Ian H., had performed assigned duties for this specific company till the resignation in July 2018. What is more a different director, including Stephen D. quit in October 2018.