Relax Tax began its business in 2007 as a Private Limited Company under the following Company Registration No.: 06039015. The business has been functioning for 17 years and it's currently active. The company's headquarters is situated in Sidcup at 5 Central Parade. You can also find this business using its zip code, DA15 7DH. This company currently known as Relax Tax Limited, was earlier known as Accountancy & It Support. The change has occurred in 2019-10-21. The firm's SIC code is 69201 - Accounting and auditing activities. January 31, 2023 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
According to the latest data, this specific business is supervised by just one managing director: Himal B., who was chosen to lead the company 16 years ago. Since 2014-10-01 Gurvi A., had been fulfilling assigned duties for the following business up to the moment of the resignation 8 years ago. As a follow-up another director, including Rajan R. gave up the position on 2008-01-14.