2004 signifies the founding of Abbeyfield Investments Limited, the company located at 3 - 5 College Street, , Nottingham. It was registered on 2004-02-11. The company's registration number was 05040758 and its post code was NG1 5AQ. It had existed on the British market for nineteen years until 2023-07-04. It has a history in business name change. In the past, the company had two different company names. Before 2006 the company was run as Abbeyfield Warehousing and up to that point the registered company name was Ever 2311.
When it comes to this firm's register, there were five directors including: Christopher D. and Stephen C..
The companies with significant control over this firm were as follows: Abbeyfield Estates Limited owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business could have been reached in Nottingham at Maplebeck, NG1 5AQ, Nottinghamshire.