This company is located in Highbury under the following Company Registration No.: 04451400. This company was started in 2002. The main office of this firm is located at 41 Northolme Road London. The area code is N5 2UX. This enterprise's declared SIC number is 98000 which means Residents property management. 41 Northolme Road Management Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on Tuesday 31st May 2022. The company's latest annual confirmation statement was released on Sunday 25th June 2023.
For this company, many of director's responsibilities up till now have been executed by Nathanael P., Catalina P. and Vivienne J.. As for these three managers, Vivienne J. has managed company for the longest period of time, having become one of the many members of officers' team twelve years ago. Furthermore, the managing director's efforts are aided with by a secretary - Elspeth H., who was appointed by the following company in May 2012.