Situated at Unit 1 Parsonage Business Centre Church Street, Wadhurst TN5 7DL 268 Holmesdale Road Rtm Company Limited is a Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital) issued a 14587481 registration number. This company was started one year ago. This business's declared SIC number is 98000 which stands for Residents property management.
When it comes to the firm, the majority of director's obligations up till now have been met by Finn D. and Helen R.. Out of these two individuals, Finn D. has carried on with the firm the longest, having become a part of officers' team on 2023.
Executives with significant control over this firm are: Karyn R. has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Laura J. has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Finn D. has 1/2 or less of voting rights.