Registered with number 04900405 22 years ago, Stayinfront Rdi Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company. The business active registration address is Twyford Place Lincolns Inn, Lincoln Road, Office Village High Wycombe. The Stayinfront Rdi Limited firm functioned under three different company names before. The firm was started as of 20:20 Retail Data Insight to be switched to Meridian Ise on 2020-08-07. The third name was present name until 2003. This business's SIC code is 70229 which means Management consultancy activities other than financial management. Thu, 31st Mar 2022 is the last time when account status updates were reported.
The company's trademark is "20:20 Sales View". They filed a trademark application on September 21, 2015 and their IPO granted it after two months. The trademark's registration is valid until September 21, 2025.
As found in this specific company's executives data, since 2017-06-30 there have been two directors: Thomas B. and Wayne G..