This enterprise is known as 2020 Logistic Solutions Limited. It was started 5 years ago and was registered under 12808639 as the registration number. The head office of this firm is situated in Exeter. You may visit them at Unit 8 Peamore Truck Centre, Alphington,. The enterprise's declared SIC number is 52103 and has the NACE code: Operation of warehousing and storage facilities for land transport activities. Tuesday 31st August 2021 is the last time when the accounts were filed.
Given the following firm's number of employees, it was necessary to choose new company leaders: Timothy G. and Anthony Q. who have been collaborating for four years to exercise independent judgement of this business.
Executives who have control over the firm are as follows: Anthony Q. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Peter A. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.