20/20 Dental Practice Limited is officially located at Newcastle Upon Tyne at Third Floor Citygate. Anyone can look up this business by the post code - NE1 4JE. 20/20 Dental Practice's incorporation dates back to 2007. The firm is registered under the number 06259529 and company's status at the time is active. This firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 86230 meaning Dental practice activities. Its latest financial reports cover the period up to Wednesday 31st August 2022 and the most current confirmation statement was submitted on Monday 22nd May 2023.
One of the tasks of 20/20 Dental Practice is to provide health care services. It has one location in Berkshire County. The company subsidiary in Newbury has operated since 2011-06-03, and provides dental services. The company caters for the needs of all the patients in the country. For further information, please call the following phone number: 01635569291. All the information concerning the firm can also be obtained on the company's website www.dentistnewbury.co.uk. The firm joined HSCA on 2011-06-03. As for the medical procedures included in the offer, the centre provides patients with diagnosis, screening, surgeries, treatment of diseases, disorders and injuries.
With regards to this business, the full range of director's assignments have so far been met by Craig H. who was arranged to perform management duties 6 years ago. That business had been controlled by Dirk V. up until August 2019. Furthermore another director, specifically Michael M. quit in January 2018.