SC222955 - registration number of 20/20 Business Insight Limited. It was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2001-09-06. It has been in this business for 24 years. This enterprise can be found at Elevator Business Centre Elevator Business Centre Arnhall Business Park in Westhill. It's zip code assigned to this place is AB32 6UF. The business name of the firm was changed in the year 2003 to 20/20 Business Insight Limited. This enterprise previous business name was Netherlea Consulting. The company's registered with SIC code 70229 which stands for Management consultancy activities other than financial management. 2022-03-31 is the last time company accounts were filed.
Current directors chosen by this particular company include: Phillip J. selected to lead the company in 2022 in April, Atholl C. selected to lead the company in 2022 in January and Thomas V. selected to lead the company on 2018-01-01. What is more, the managing director's duties are regularly supported by a secretary - Chloe M., who was chosen by this company in June 2024.