The enterprise is widely known as 20170418 Limited. This company was founded eight years ago and was registered with 10728518 as its registration number. This particular head office of the company is based in Ipswich. You may find them at 907 Woodbridge Road. This enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 82990 and their NACE code stands for Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. The most recent annual accounts provide detailed information about the period up to 2022-04-30 and the most current annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-04-18.
When it comes to this firm's directors directory, since December 2021 there have been two directors: Prasan M. and Subhash M..
Executives with significant control over the firm are: Prasan M. has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Subhash M..