Located in Heston House, Nottingham NG2 3HE 200 Degrees Coffee Roasters Limited is classified as a Private Limited Company registered under the 06390549 Companies House Reg No. This company was founded on 2007-10-04. This firm has operated under three names. Its very first registered name, Exchange Bars, was switched on 2012-09-27 to Black Star Coffee Roasters. The current name is in use since 2013, is 200 Degrees Coffee Roasters Limited. This firm's declared SIC number is 56302 which stands for Public houses and bars. The firm's most recent filed accounts documents cover the period up to 2022-03-31 and the most current confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-10-04.
On 2017-08-11, the enterprise was recruiting a Quality Assurance Manager to fill a full time vacancy in Nottingham, Midlands. They offered a full time job with wage from £12.8 to £17.9 per hour. The offered job required supervising experience.
As the information gathered suggests, this particular business was created 18 years ago and has been supervised by four directors, out of whom three (Stephen F., Robert D. and Thomas V.) are still listed as current directors. To provide support to the directors, this business has been utilizing the skills of Robert D. as a secretary since October 2007.