Located in 20 Ranelagh Villas F2, Hove BN3 6HE 20 Ranelagh Villas Limited is categorised as a Private Limited Company registered under the 07118542 registration number. The firm was launched fourteen years ago. This enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 98000: Residents property management. 20 Ranelagh Villas Ltd filed its account information for the period that ended on 2023-01-31. The firm's most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-01-07.
Within this specific business, the full range of director's tasks have so far been fulfilled by Sharon M. who was arranged to perform management duties on 15th January 2020. This business had been controlled by Helen D. up until two years ago. What is more a different director, namely Harriet L. gave up the position on 18th September 2017.