2015 is the date that marks the launching of 20 Eversfield Road (eastbourne) Rtm Company Limited, a company which is located at Flat 1, 17 Southfields Road in Eastbourne. This means it's been 9 years 20 Eversfield Road (eastbourne) Rtm Company has been in this business, as it was registered on 2015-09-16. Its registered no. is 09781293 and the postal code is BN21 1BU. The company's SIC code is 98000 - Residents property management. The business most recent financial reports describe the period up to Friday 30th September 2022 and the latest confirmation statement was released on Friday 15th September 2023.
There is a team of three directors overseeing the following company at present, specifically Simon R., Yin L. and Sally W. who have been performing the directors tasks for three years. Additionally, the managing director's responsibilities are aided with by a secretary - Sally W., who was chosen by the company in 2015.