This particular company is situated in Loughton registered with number: 03134442. The firm was started in 1995. The main office of the firm is situated at Haslers Old Station Road. The post code for this location is IG10 4PL. The enterprise's SIC code is 98000 meaning Residents property management. The business most recent financial reports were submitted for the period up to 2022/12/31 and the latest confirmation statement was released on 2022/11/09.
At the moment, the directors enumerated by this limited company are: Jonathan C. selected to lead the company two years ago, Charles C. selected to lead the company in 2019 in July, Joshua K. selected to lead the company in 2015 and 2 remaining, listed below. In addition, the managing director's responsibilities are constantly helped with by a secretary - Alyson P., who was chosen by this specific limited company in November 2016.