Registered at 117 Calabria Road, Highbury N5 1HS 117 Calabria Road Management Company Limited is classified as a Private Limited Company with 03827553 Companies House Reg No. It's been launched 26 years ago. It 's been 26 years that 117 Calabria Road Management Company Limited is no longer recognized under the name Acasta. This company's declared SIC number is 98000 which stands for Residents property management. 31st August 2023 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
Given this particular company's growth, it became unavoidable to appoint other directors: Freya S., Kim F. and Sabine H. who have been assisting each other since 2020-06-25 to exercise independent judgement of this specific limited company. In addition, the managing director's tasks are regularly assisted with by a secretary - Sabine H., who was appointed by this limited company eighteen years ago.