This business named Go Oaklands Great Dunmow was started on 2017-10-18 as a Private Limited Company. This business's office can be reached at Sawbridgeworth on Bonks Hill House, High Wych Road. Assuming you want to get in touch with the company by post, its postal code is CM21 9HT. The office registration number for Go Oaklands Great Dunmow Ltd is 11019890. Go Oaklands Great Dunmow Ltd was listed seven years from now under the name of 116 Hadham Road Bishops Stortford. This business's principal business activity number is 68209 and their NACE code stands for Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. Go Oaklands Great Dunmow Limited reported its latest accounts for the period up to 2021-12-31. The most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-09-25.
Concerning this specific firm, all of director's obligations have so far been done by Oliver H. who was assigned to lead the company in 2017 in October. The firm had been directed by Adrian T. up until 2021. To help the directors in their tasks, this specific firm has been utilizing the skills of Zeana I. as a secretary since 2017.