114 Elms Crescent (freehold) Company Limited can be contacted at 15 Pears Grove, Prinstead in Emsworth. The company's post code is PO10 8JY. 114 Elms Crescent (freehold) Company has been on the British market since it was registered on 2009-08-19. The company's Companies House Registration Number is 06995727. This enterprise's SIC code is 74990 which means Non-trading company. Wed, 31st Aug 2022 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
Because of this particular enterprise's constant expansion, it became imperative to find other executives: Sofia A., Nicolas B. and Andrew W. who have been supporting each other for sixteen years to fulfil their statutory duties for this firm. Additionally, the director's efforts are constantly supported by a secretary - Nicolas B., who was selected by the firm on 2009-08-19.
Nicolas B. is the individual who has control over this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.