11 Northumberland Terrace Management Company Limited is officially located at North Shields at 11 Northumberland Terrace. Anyone can search for this business by its area code - NE30 4BA. 11 Northumberland Terrace Management Company's incorporation dates back to year 2008. This enterprise is registered under the number 06529047 and company's status at the time is active. This firm's registered with SIC code 55900 which means Other accommodation. 2023/03/31 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
As for the company, many of director's obligations have been done by Simon S. and Eric S.. Out of these two executives, Eric S. has managed company the longest, having become a vital part of company's Management Board on March 2008. To support the directors in their duties, this particular company has been utilizing the skills of Simon S. as a secretary for the last 8 years.