11 Kenwyn Road Residents Limited, a Private Limited Company, with headquarters in 11 Kenwyn Road, 11 Kenwyn Road, London. The headquarters' post code is SW4 7LJ. This business has been working since 2007-06-19. The reg. no. is 06286249. The company debuted under the business name Whitcot, but for the last eighteen years has been on the market under the business name 11 Kenwyn Road Residents Limited. This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 98000 meaning Residents property management. 2022-06-23 is the last time account status updates were filed.
Lucia F., Michael K., Eve D. and Andrew C. are the company's directors and have been doing everything they can to help the company since 2024-03-12. To find professional help with legal documentation, the abovementioned business has been utilizing the expertise of Eve D. as a secretary since the appointment on 2022-07-05.