The official date this company was established is 1977-06-29. Established under no. 01319494, this company is listed as a Private Limited Company. You can reach the office of the firm during its opening hours at the following address: 11 Kensington Park Road London, W11 3BY Notting Hill. The company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 98000 which stands for Residents property management. The firm's most recent accounts describe the period up to 2022-12-31 and the most current annual confirmation statement was released on 2022-12-29.
The data at our disposal about this particular firm's executives shows us there are two directors: Darius J. and Nora M. who became members of the Management Board on 2009-11-25 and 1998-07-21. To provide support to the directors, the abovementioned limited company has been utilizing the skills of Nora M. as a secretary for the last 25 years.