Based in 64 Hodder Drive, Greenford UB6 8LL Krish Msdi Ltd was categorised as a Private Limited Company with 06045739 Companies House Reg No. The firm was set up on 2007-01-09. Krish Msdi Ltd had existed on the local market for at least twelve years. The company was known under the name A K Trivede until 2008-03-12, at which point it was replaced by 11 Ducklings. The last was known under the name came on 2018-01-24.
The following firm was supervised by an individual managing director: Arun T. who was leading it from 2016-03-07 to dissolution date on 2019-04-23.
Arun T. was the individual with significant control over this firm, owned over 3/4 of company shares.