This firm referred to as 11 College Road Brighton Management was created on October 3, 1995 as a Private Limited Company. The enterprise's headquarters may be found at Brighton on 11 College Road. In case you have to get in touch with the business by mail, the area code is BN2 1JB. The office registration number for 11 College Road Brighton Management Limited is 03109346. The enterprise's declared SIC number is 98000 meaning Residents property management. Monday 31st October 2022 is the last time the accounts were filed.
At present, we can name a single director in the company: Gemma M. (since December 30, 2005). The following limited company had been directed by Peter C. till 2005. As a follow-up another director, namely Lance F. gave up the position 27 years ago. In order to provide support to the directors, this limited company has been utilizing the skills of Sarah D. as a secretary since 1998.