Xnet Realisations started conducting its business in 2015 as a Private Limited Company under the following Company Registration No.: 09780665. This company's headquarters was located in London at C/0 Resolve Advisory Limited 22 York Buildings. This Xnet Realisations Limited company had been operating offering its services for 8 years. This company has a history in business name changing. Up till now this firm had three different company names. Before 2022 this firm was prospering as 10x Psychology and before that the official company name was 10x Psychometrics.
Jemaine S. was this specific enterprise's director, designated to this position in 2021 in December.
Peter S. was the individual who had control over this firm, had substantial control or influence over the company, owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights.