2016 signifies the beginning of 10x Leads Limited, a firm located at 22 Yeomans Way, , Plymouth. The company was founded on Thursday 22nd December 2016. Its registration number was 10537149 and the company area code was PL7 1JH. The firm had been in this business for about 4 years up until Tuesday 4th February 2020. The firm has a history in registered name changes. Previously the company had three different company names. Before 2019 the company was prospering under the name of Funeral Guide and before that the official company name was Funeralguide.
This specific firm was directed by 1 managing director: Matthew T., who was designated to this position in 2016.
The companies with significant control over this firm included: Big Idea Ventures Limited owned 1/2 or less of company shares. This business could have been reached in Plymouth at Yeomans Way, PL7 1JH and was registered as a PSC under the reg no 11133965.