10pt Limited has existed in the UK for 11 years. Registered with number 08974399 in 2014, the firm is registered at C/o Anglo Dutch Ltd, Tring HP23 4BB. This company's registered with SIC code 47640 and has the NACE code: Retail sale of sports goods, fishing gear, camping goods, boats and bicycles. 10pt Ltd filed its latest accounts for the financial period up to Saturday 30th April 2022. The company's most recent confirmation statement was submitted on Sunday 2nd April 2023.
Helen H. is this enterprise's individual director, who was designated to this position in 2014 in April. Since 2014-09-25 Brian H., had been supervising this business till the resignation in July 2016. In order to support the directors in their duties, the abovementioned business has been utilizing the expertise of Helen H. as a secretary since April 2014.
Helen H. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.