10e Gloucester Drive Freehold Limited with the registration number 06225485 has been a part of the business world for 18 years. The Private Limited Company is located at 82c Queens Drive, , London and its postal code is N4 2HW. The enterprise's SIC code is 99999 which stands for Dormant Company. The business most recent filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to 2023-04-30 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-05-12.
The directors currently appointed by this specific limited company are as follow: Katerina W. appointed in 2017 in June, Giulietta W. appointed in 2017, Eric L. appointed in 2011 and 2 other directors who might be found below. In addition, the managing director's assignments are constantly supported by a secretary - Paul W., who was chosen by the limited company in 2017.
Paul W. is the individual with significant control over this firm.