109 Sinclair Road Freehold came into being in 2006 as a company enlisted under no 05670300, located at NR28 9GB North Walsham at Loke Farm Honing Long Lane. The firm has been in business for 19 years and its current status is active. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 98000 which stands for Residents property management. 109 Sinclair Road Freehold Ltd filed its account information for the period up to Sat, 31st Dec 2022. The firm's latest annual confirmation statement was filed on Wed, 25th Jan 2023.
Current directors registered by this company are as follow: Eleanor C. selected to lead the company in 2023, Marco M. selected to lead the company in 2022, Alya K. selected to lead the company in 2008 in January and 2 remaining, listed below. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this company has been utilizing the expertise of Eleanor C. as a secretary since 2023.