This particular 109 Rivergreen Freeholders Limited business has been operating in this business for six years, as it's been established in 2018. Registered with number 11721555, 109 Rivergreen Freeholders is categorised as a Private Limited Company with office in 109a Rivergreen, Nottingham NG11 8FU. This enterprise's principal business activity number is 98000 which stands for Residents property management. 109 Rivergreen Freeholders Ltd reported its account information for the period up to 2022-12-31. Its latest confirmation statement was released on 2022-11-15.
In order to meet the requirements of their customers, this company is continually overseen by a unit of two directors who are Stephen F. and Emma P.. Their mutual commitment has been of critical importance to the company since 2022. In addition, the managing director's tasks are constantly supported by a secretary - Paul J., who was selected by the company 5 years ago.