2007 is the year of the start of 1086 Taxis Limited, a firm located at 102/1 Barn Park Crescent, , Edinburgh. That would make seventeen years 1086 Taxis has been in the UK, as it was created on 2007/08/17. Its Companies House Reg No. is SC329497 and the post code is EH14 3HP. This business's SIC code is 74990, that means Non-trading company. August 1, 2022 is the last time company accounts were reported.
According to the latest update, there is a solitary director in the company: Neil H. (since 2019/03/01). Since 2007/08/17 Gary B., had performed assigned duties for this specific firm up until the resignation five years ago. Furthermore a different director, including Alison B. gave up the position in 2019.
Neil H. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.