08121077 is the registration number assigned to 1085 Films Cyf.. This company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 27th June 2012. This company has been on the British market for the last thirteen years. The firm may be found at Bay Trees Graig Road in Llsyfaen. It's postal code assigned to this address is CF14 0UF. It has been already thirteen years from the moment 1085 Films Cyf. is no longer identified under the name Copa Films Cyf. The enterprise's declared SIC number is 59112 which stands for Video production activities. 1085 Films Cyf. released its latest accounts for the financial period up to June 30, 2022. The company's most recent annual confirmation statement was released on May 26, 2023.
Our information related to the company's executives reveals there are two directors: Alexander B. and Kyra W. who became the part of the company on 27th June 2012.
Alexander B. is the individual who controls this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.