This company called 10840 was started on Friday 26th March 1965 as a private limited company. This company head office was based in London on Resolve Partners Llp, One America Square. The address post code is EC3N 2LB. The registration number for 10840 Limited was 00842763. 10840 Limited had been in business for 51 years until dissolution date on Tuesday 8th March 2016. The company has a history in registered name change. Previously the firm had three other names. Up till 2013 the firm was run as Investment Solutions Fund Managers and up to that point its official company name was Blackmore Financial Services.
Regarding to the following firm, a number of director's duties up till now have been met by Adrian S. and Laura C.. When it comes to these two people, Adrian S. had managed the firm for the longest time, having been a part of company's Management Board for five years.