108 Broomgrove has been operating in this business field for at least ten years. Established under 09814383, the firm operates as a Private Limited Company. You can reach the main office of this company during business times under the following location: 53 Cortworth Road, S11 9LN Sheffield. This business's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 68209 and has the NACE code: Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. 108 Broomgrove Ltd released its latest accounts for the period up to 29th October 2022. Its latest confirmation statement was submitted on 6th October 2022.
Regarding this specific business, the full range of director's duties have so far been met by Ian G. who was arranged to perform management duties in 2015. The following business had been directed by Catherine G. until 2 years ago.
Ian G. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.