This business was situated in Wisbech under the ID 05245323. The company was started in 2004. The main office of the company was located at The Boathouse Business Centre Harbour Square. The post code for this location is PE13 3BH. This enterprise was formally closed on Tue, 23rd Aug 2022, which means it had been in business for eighteen years. The company's official name change from 1024 Software Solutions to 1024 Solutions Ltd came on Sat, 14th Apr 2012.
This specific company was supervised by one director: Colin D. who was managing it from Wed, 1st Feb 2012 to the date it was dissolved on Tue, 23rd Aug 2022.
Colin D. was the individual with significant control over this firm, owned over 3/4 of company shares and had 3/4 to full of voting rights.