SC353868 - registration number used by 102 Logistics Aberdeen Limited. It was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2009/01/22. It has been operating on the British market for 15 years. This company can be contacted at Amicable House 252 Union Street in Aberdeen. The company's zip code assigned to this location is AB10 1TN. The firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 9100, that means Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction. 102 Logistics Aberdeen Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on Tuesday 31st January 2023. The firm's most recent annual confirmation statement was released on Sunday 22nd January 2023.
Because of the following company's growth, it was necessary to acquire additional directors: Aquila E. and James E. who have been supporting each other since 2009/01/23 to fulfil their statutory duties for the following business. Another limited company has been appointed as one of the secretaries of this company: Grant Smith Law Practice Limited.