The official day this company was founded is 2005-10-24. Registered under number 05600689, it operates as a Private Limited Company. You may visit the office of this firm during business times under the following location: 101 Walkergate Beverley, HU17 9BP East Yorkshire. This company's principal business activity number is 96020 which means Hairdressing and other beauty treatment. The latest filed accounts documents cover the period up to 2023-02-28 and the most current confirmation statement was submitted on 2022-10-24.
According to the official data, this firm is overseen by a solitary managing director: Helen C., who was formally appointed 19 years ago. Another limited company has been appointed as one of the secretaries of this company: Finnies Limited.
Helen C. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.