2010 marks the establishment of 101 (st Helens) Ltd, a firm which is located at 32 Bridge Street, in Bolton. That would make 14 years 101 (st Helens) has been in the business, as the company was registered on 2010-01-26. The firm Companies House Registration Number is 07135818 and the post code is BL1 2EH. This firm's SIC code is 56101 which means Licensed restaurants. 2022/08/31 is the last time company accounts were filed.
Peter W. is this specific firm's single managing director, that was assigned to lead the company 14 years ago. That business had been directed by Yomtov J. up until 2010-01-26.
The companies that control this firm are as follows: Whushi Holdings Ltd has substantial control or influence over the company owns over 3/4 of company shares. This business can be reached in Bolton at Bridge Street, BL1 2EH and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 7135268.