Rn Fold Limited can be contacted at 1 Oxford Street at Landmark. Anyone can search for the firm by its post code - M1 4PB. Rn Fold's incorporation dates back to year 1996. This enterprise is registered under the number 03225405 and their last known status is liquidation. It has been already two years that The firm's business name is Rn Fold Limited, but up till 2022 the business name was 1000 Mile Sportswear and up to that point, up till 1996-08-14 the business was known as Tweedbriar. It means this company used three other names. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 32300 - Manufacture of sports goods. Rn Fold Ltd released its account information for the period up to 31st December 2020. Its latest annual confirmation statement was filed on 16th July 2022.