100 Waddon Road Management Company Limited,registered as Private Limited Company, that is located in 151 Wickham Road, Shirley in Croydon. The zip code CR0 8TE. This company has been operating since 2006. The business reg. no. is 05828875. The enterprise's SIC code is 64209 meaning Activities of other holding companies n.e.c.. The business most recent filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to 2022-05-31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-08-31.
Right now, the following business is directed by a single director: Robert A., who was assigned to lead the company in May 2014. For eight years Russell H., had been fulfilling assigned duties for this business till the resignation on Thu, 29th May 2014. To provide support to the directors, the abovementioned business has been utilizing the skills of Robert A. as a secretary for the last nineteen years.
Robert A. is the individual who controls this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.