Started with Reg No. 10563804 seven years ago, 100% Stainless (holdings) Limited is a Private Limited Company. The business latest mailing address is Unit 1 Chittleburn Business Park, Brixton Plymouth. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 64209 - Activities of other holding companies n.e.c.. The business latest filed accounts documents cover the period up to 2022/12/31 and the most current annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/01/12.
Considering the enterprise's constant expansion, it became imperative to acquire further directors: Marc W. and Steven J. who have been assisting each other since March 2023 for the benefit of the following limited company.
Steven J. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.