2001 is the year of the start of 100 Mph Limited, a firm that was situated at C/o Jardines Accountants, Brookfield House, 16 Brookfield Way Olton. It was created on Thu, 11th Jan 2001. The company's registered no. was 04138977 and its zip code was B92 7HA. The firm had been active on the market for about fifteen years up until Tue, 9th Aug 2016. Previously 100 Mph Limited switched the official name three times. Up till Fri, 28th Jan 2011 this company used the registered name Pineapple Marketing And Internet Services. Then this company used the registered name Adh Midlands that was in use till Fri, 28th Jan 2011 when the final name was agreed on.
The business was directed by 1 director: Daniel H., who was appointed seventeen years ago.