100 Hammersmith Grove Management Limited was set up as Private Limited Company, that is based in Basement Flat, 100 Hammersmith Grove, London. The headquarters' zip code W6 7HB. This business has been 3 years on the local market. The registered no. is 13848348. This company's registered with SIC code 98000 which means Residents property management. 100 Hammersmith Grove Management Ltd released its account information for the financial year up to 31st January 2023. The most recent confirmation statement was released on 13th January 2023.
There is a team of four directors leading this specific limited company now, including Julia B., Peter L., Po M. and John W. who have been performing the directors tasks for 3 years. What is more, the managing director's duties are aided with by a secretary - John W., who was selected by this specific limited company 3 years ago.