10 Motives came into being in 2012 as a company enlisted under no 07934188, located at W4 5YG London at Building 7, Chiswick Business Park. This firm has been in business for 12 years and its current state is active. The company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 32990 which stands for Other manufacturing n.e.c.. The most recent financial reports were submitted for the period up to 2022-12-31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-06-28.
With four job advertisements since 2014-12-02, the corporation has been relatively active on the labour market. On 2014-12-12, it was seeking job candidates for a full time Retail Outlet Manager post in Salford, and on 2014-12-02, for the vacant post of a full time Part Time Retail Assistant in Widnes.
The enterprise has obtained five trademarks, all are still in use. The first trademark was registered in 2017. The trademark which will expire first, that is in October, 2026 is Ten Motives.
According to the data we have, the limited company was started in February 2012 and has so far been overseen by sixteen directors, and out of them two (Denisa G. and Susanna D.) are still a part of the company. Another limited company has been appointed as one of the secretaries of this company: Bats Limited.