The enterprise called 10 Herga Road was registered on 2014-01-24 as a Private Limited Company. The company's headquarters may be found at Harrow on 35 Loretto Gardens. When you want to contact this company by post, its zip code is HA3 9LY. The registration number for 10 Herga Road Ltd is 08859903. The company's SIC and NACE codes are 68320 and has the NACE code: Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis. The business latest filed accounts documents cover the period up to 2022/03/31 and the most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/02/28.
The following business owes its accomplishments and unending growth to a group of two directors, namely Gitendra V. and Gordhan N., who have been leading it since 2014-01-24.
Gordhan N. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.