The 10 Coombe Road Management Company Limited business has been operating in this business for at least twenty six years, as it's been established in 1998. Registered with number 03541901, 10 Coombe Road Management Company was set up as a Private Limited Company with office in 10 Coombe Road, London W4 2HR. Its name change from Allapex to 10 Coombe Road Management Company Limited occurred on 1998-09-07. The company's declared SIC number is 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. 10 Coombe Road Management Company Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to 2022-04-30. The most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 2022-10-31.
There is a group of three directors supervising this particular limited company at the current moment, specifically Genista C., Laura M. and Karen O. who have been executing the directors responsibilities since August 2012. Furthermore, the director's responsibilities are often aided with by a secretary - Karen O., who joined this limited company in 2012.